What To Do If Your Wordpress Site Gets Hacked Part 1

Preserve headers/logos underneath 125 pixels high. It takes up beneficial viewing space, primarily for laptop users, that is ideal left for the good stuff to appear"above the fold." Take a cue from the massive businesses, straightforward logos completed nicely say it all. This is our #1 pet peeve - screaming logos and headers!

Since scare tactics seem to be what drives some people to take fix malware problems free a bit more seriously, or at the very least start considering the issue, let me shoot a couple of scare tactics your way.

It all will start with the fundamentals. Attempt using passwords. Use numbers, letters, special characters, and spaces and combine them to create a password that is special. You could use usernames that aren't obvious.

Maintain control of your assets that are online - Nothing is worse than having your livelihood in somebody else's hands. Why take chances with something as important as your site?

Upgrade today if you aren't running the latest version of WordPress. Like maintaining your door unlocked when you leave for vacation, leaving your site on an old version more information is.

The plugin should be updated have WordPress cloning, play nice and to remain current with the latest WordPress release and restore capabilities. The ability to clone your website (along with regular copies ) can be helpful if you ever need to do an offline site redesign, among other things.

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